A Picture is NOT WORTH a Thousand Assumptions

cameraHe WILL have pictures of the two of them.

He WILL have pictures of them as a family.

He WILL have pictures of them doing the same activities that you both do now.

The internet may have even more! Especially, if you can see his ex’s page (not worth it!).

I remember the first time I saw a picture of his ex. My gut turned into knots.

I remember the first time I saw a picture of him and his ex. My gut turned into knots.

I remember the first time I saw a picture of him, his ex, and his kids. My gut turned into knots and I was sad for everyone.

Looking at pictures WILL be hard. You WILL feel a certain way. But, believe me it WILL get better. You WILL start to understand that was the past and YOU are the future. Not in a you are better than her type of way. But, you will have memories, you will have experiences, and you will have pictures.

You WILL have pictures of the two of you.

You WILL have pictures of you as a family.

You WILL have pictures of you doing the same activities as they used to.

The internet may have even more!

Write out it, talk about it, get it out. But, don’t let it hold you back. Keep moving forward. Keep living life. Keep loving him and his children. You can’t change his past, but you can make your future.


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