The conversation starter


So, my boyfriend’s daughter can get pretty shy.  I know she has a lot on her mind, but it is hard for her to express herself out loud.  I also, find it difficult to start a conversation with her about the important stuff. So, after a conversation with my sister about it, I decided to start a journal.

This journal is just between us.  Kind of like passing notes back and forward in middle school.  The first day we did this, wow! did she find her voice! She had about 8 hard questions that she wanted to ask me.  They range from, “Do you hate my mom?” to “What should I call you to my friends?”. I don’t always have the answer to everything. I try to be honest and reassure her that I love her and that I am here for her.  If she doesn’t want her dad to know about what we talk about then she can write, “DTD” (Don’t tell Dad).

I try to also, write little notes about how amazing she is and how I had a great weekend or something.  I don’t want the journal to always be a negative thing, so keep it light (sometimes).

I know this works well for girls, I have not tried it out on boys yet.

Note: Keep in mind that her mother could potentially see this journal.  So, don’t say anything that you would be worried about her seeing.





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